Our Impact
We envision a world where LGBTQ+ youth know they are loved, love themselves, and have hope for a bright future.
LGBTQ+ Youth are at Risk
of LGBTQ+ youth in Utah seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year.*
transgender and nonbinary youth attempted suicide and LGBTQ+ youth of color reported higher rates than white peers.*
1 in 5
of LGBTQ+ youth in Utah who wanted mental health care in the past year were unable to get it.*
of LGBTQ+ youth in Utah reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety.*
of LGBTQ+ youth in Utah reported experiencing symptoms of depression.*
*Trevor Project, 2022
Encircle aims to provide mental health therapy, support, and resources for every LGBTQ+ youth in Utah. We envision a world where all young people feel accepted, loved, and supported.
Our Areas of Focus
Social Support
Definition: Feeling cared for and part of a supportive network, whether through emotional, informational, or companionship resources; tangible or intangible.
Measurement: Guests feel accepted and connected with others in the LGBTQ+ community, including peers and adult role models at Encircle.
Definition: Recognizing and affirming that a person's feelings and identity are valid and meaningful.
Measurement: Guests develop a positive sense of identity as LGBTQ+ individuals through their experiences at Encircle.
Bridge Building
Definition: Creating understanding and cooperation between different groups. At Encircle, this includes parent programs, community events, and educational efforts.
Measurement: Growth in understanding and appreciation of queer experiences, and ability to offer social support and validation to LGBTQ+ loved ones and community members.
Through measurable outcomes and data-driven insights, we track the progress of our initiatives, ensuring that our efforts create meaningful change in the communities we serve. Each chart below illustrates key impact areas, highlighting the effectiveness of our programs and where your support makes the most difference.
How we know it’s working
Youth & Young Adults
Social Support
Encircle provides a place for me to connect
with others who have similar experiences.
Encircle helps me feel positively about
my LGBTQ+ identity.
Bridge Building
Encircle has connected me with meaningful resources to understand my own and others’ LGBTQ+ identities.
At Encircle, I feel connected to other participants
in my Friendship Circle.
At Encircle, I feel safe sharing my thoughts and feelings in my Friendship Circle.
At Encircle, I am able to be myself
during a Friendship Circle.
Social Support
Encircle encourages me to care about others and their LGBTQ+ identity and experience.
When at Encircle, I know that my experience and
my child(ren)’s identity will be affirmed by others.
Bridge Building
Encircle provides me with the tools to better support and affirm LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.